The Jagscast is a Podcast/Fanzine produced by Thistle fans for Thistle fans. We take a regular look at the goings on in the world of football, but from a distinctly Jaggie slant. With our congenial host, Vincent Black Lightening (or VBL for short) and regulars Manly J Panda, Cowie, Donald 'Mark Corcoran' Balatoni and a few other hingers oan, we have a pre-match natter with the infallible predictions of "Cowie's Call" and opinions galore in our favourite haunt, Jaconelli's Café on Maryhill Road. Then there's during and post-match reaction and analysis: the Jagscast offers a chance for the whole Thistle community, near and far to see the world through the eyes of an eclectic mix of ill-informed punters!
"Vincent Black Lightening"
"Manly J Panda"
Donald 'Mark Corcoran' Balatoni