"He was a new style of centre-forward, a player of such slight stature that he was nicknamed 'Der Papierene' - 'the Paperman'. There was an air of flimsy genius about him that led writers to compare his creativity to theirs: a fine sense of timing and of drama, a flair for both the spontaneous and the well crafted... He was endowed with such an unbelievable wealth of variations and ideas that one could never really be sure which manner of play was to be expected. He had no system, to say nothing of a set pattern. He just had...genius"
Alan Dickson has been watching Partick Thistle for over 60 years, and has seen the highest of the highs to the moments we'd all perhaps rather forget. The Jagscast was delighted when Ian Mac went to interview Alan in a place steeped in Thistle history, the Star and Garter.
Many thanks to both Ian and Alan for taking the time to produce a wonderful trip down memory lane.
In this epsiode: VBL, Donald "Marc Corcoran" Balatoni, Cowie and "Duncan" discuss the horror show which was Mark Wilson's goal; League reconstruction; and Rella pride.
Special feature on Matthias Sindelar, centre forward in the famous inter-war Austrian "Wunderteam". We have a suspicion a certain Thistle enigma is related to "Der Papierene" by virtue of a rendez-vous when he made Scotland look silly in 1933.